Determinants of Patient Safety Culture Amongst Nurses at East Aceh Regional General Hospital

Author Details

Cut Nana Mardiana,Teuku Tahlil, Syarifah Rauzatul Jannah

Journal Details


Published: 14 June 2023 | Article Type : Research Article


Patient safety in hospitals involves the participation of all healthcare personnel, especially nurses. The behavior and competence of nurses are crucial in ensuring patient safety. Nurses play a vital role in implementing patient safety in hospitals by providing services and carrying out nursing interventions according to the established service standards (SOP) set by the hospital, as well as adhering to ethical principles while delivering nursing care.This study utilized a Cross-Sectional Study design. The target population consisted of 166 nurses, and the sample size was determined using a total sampling technique. Data collection was conducted using two types of questionnaires that had undergone validity and reliability testing. The data analysis involved descriptive statistical tests, Chi-Square, and Multiple Logistic Regression. The research results show that there is a correlation between patient safety and factors such as collaboration within the unit (p=0.050), organizational learning and continuous improvement (p=0.000), feedback and communication about errors (p=0.006), and frequency of incident reporting (p=0.000). However, factors like supervisor/manager expectations and promotional actions (p=0.285), management support for patient safety (p=0.259), overall perception of patient safety (p=0.376), transparency in communication (p=1.000), inter-unit cooperation (p=0.246), staffing (p=1.000), shift changes and patient transfers (p=0.128), and non-punitive response to errors (p=0.262) did not show a significant association with patient safety culture. The most important factor related to patient safety culture was organizational learning and continuous improvement (p=0.000) with an odds ratio of 18.394 (95% CI: 1.227-275.664).

Keywords: Determinants, patient safety culture, nurse.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Cut Nana Mardiana,Teuku Tahlil, Syarifah Rauzatul Jannah. (2023-06-14). "Determinants of Patient Safety Culture Amongst Nurses at East Aceh Regional General Hospital." *Volume 6*, 1, 22-31